News | Official dealer of the CATTELAN ITALIA S.p.A. in Russia - Part 3

via Pilastri, 19 – 36010 Carrè VI – Italy
tel. +39 0445 318711
Fax +39 0445 314289

2019, Salone Del Mobile – Milano

DON’T WANT TO TELL YOU ANYTHING ELSE Here is the Salone del Mobile, the theatre of choice for telling stories made of matter, light, dreams and passion. Cattelan Italia brings to the stage the excellence, agile and fast, that characterises a recordbreaking evolution. High-poweraed demand meets high-powered supply. The stand is more essential, more architectural, […]

2019 imm Cologne

Cattelan Italia presents the new proposals for a contemporary living with Italian taste. Our stand has been renewed to reflect the brand’s values and its philosophy. Design products, modern furniture and elegance of materials are the key words that best describe our stand. The unquestioned protagonists of the first furniture exhibition of the year are […]

Salone del Mobile.

Salone del Mobile. Milano 2018 It is also thanks to you that Cattelan Italia has become symbol of a lifestyle and a world leader for the Made in Italy furniture. The eminent frame of the Salone del Mobile allowed us again to show you the evolution of our design and of the technologies applied in […]